Truman Capote in Mandate (1986)

Truman Capote is the subject of this article from the February, 1986 Mandate magazine. The piece was written by Boze Hadleigh just over a year after Capote's death.

Continuing with our theme from the last post, Truman Capote is the subject of this article from the February, 1986 Mandate issue of magazine. The piece was written by Boze Hadleigh just over a year after Capote’s death.

The infamous book jacket photo of Truman Capote from Other Voices, Other Rooms. One critic commented, “He looks as if he were dreamily contemplating some outrage against conventional morality.” (1948)

See also:
Donald Windham On Truman Capote: Christopher Street (1988)
Artist’s Muse: José “Pete” Martinez
Artist’s Muse: Chuck Howard
Artist’s Muse: Randy Jack
Artist’s Muse: Ted Starkowski
Artist’s Muse: The Mystery Model
Artist’s Muse: William Weslow
Provincetown PaJaMa Party
Fire Island Muses of George Platt Lynes & The PaJaMa Collective

3 thoughts on “Truman Capote in Mandate (1986)

  1. I’m so glad I read this. I watched the recent TV series and got so turned off by Truman. I forgot it was fiction, and there was a talented writer under all that drama. A writer who spoke to my teenage self a long time ago, when I read everything I could get my hands on that he’d written.

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